For the sports premium review of 2021-2022, please see the link below. We entered many compeitions and took part in lots of different sporting galas and events. Our school sports day - July 2022 - was won by Victoria House! Congratulations to all those in Victoria!

What did we do in 2022-2023?
For the year 2022-2023, we decided to take part in every event we could!
We entered a number of competitions and events. This inlcuded boys and girls football, netball, tri-golf, cross country, athletics and swimming to name but a few.
We won our first trophy for football which was brilliant!
We also worked hard to increase participation in sports so that all our children have different sporting opportunities which has been very successful.
The children consistently represented the school well, showing the Brackenbury Way and our school values of being proud, determined and brave.
We worked with Sporty People as part of our PE curriculum. This enabled us to try out an huge range of sports range. This meant our children had access to a wide range of games and sporting activities throughout the year.
We worked with badminton and cricket coaches to support the development of our teachers subject knolwedge.
We ran a number of sports clubs including football, karate, netball, dance, mini athletics, dodge ball, fencing and multi-sports.
We are looking forward to another year of sports fun this year!

We planned to go for the gold school games award in 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 and we did it! A huge thanks to Miss Smith for leading PE so brilliantly across the school.
Plans for 2023-2024
In the coming academic year, our plans are as follows -
- to offer coaching for different sports from qualified coaches
- to continue to run a number of clubs for all ages of children
- have PE as a focus subject on the school strategic plan
- ensure that personal challenge remains an important part of PE in school
- continue to have inter-house competitions
- increase our resources for outdoors
- develop physical literacy
- develop assessment in PE that is meaningful and purposeful
- continue to take all the sporting opportunities offered!
- receive another school games gold award