What is Pupil Premium?
The government believes that the pupil premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
The pupil premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’).
Schools also receive funding for children who have been or are being looked after and for children of service personnel.
This document supports thinking and planning for pupil premium spending.
Pupil Premium strategy for 2024-2027
Our Strategy is based on the following principles – expectation – inclusion - opportunity.
Expectation - We are determined that all our children achieve their Brackenbury Best in their academic outcomes and are ready for the next stage in their school life. Irrespective of background or challenges being faced, our aim is that the children from our school community, reach and even exceed age related expectations.
Inclusion - We will identify the barriers and challenges faced by children and families to ensure that support offered helps them to succeed, feel supported and to be an integral part of our community.
Opportunity – We will ensure our curriculum, environment and wider curriculum gives all children great opportunities to develop their potential.
Through research, we understand what leads to the best outcomes for children - great teaching, supported by strong leadership. This benefits all pupils, especially the most disadvantaged. We have developed a clear understanding of what great teaching looks like through our whole school approaches to phonics, reading, writing and maths mastery. Our curriculum is designed to support great teaching, so that all children develop a knowledge and vocabulary that enables them to better understand everything they read. Reading is at the heart of our school strategy to improve outcomes for all.
As a small school, we are able to provide bespoke support for children, knowing the children’s needs and barriers to education in detail. As such, we have robust conversations in progress meetings to ensure that barriers to learning for each child are identified and problem-solved as a team. Where there are common challenges, we adopt proven strategies to support children.
In order for the pupil premium strategy to succeed, our shared vision is that
- All staff have high expectations that all children can be their Brackenbury Best in learning and in life – we believe that children can and will succeed; we have a shared understanding of what high expectations means in principle and in practice
- All staff will identify barriers and will not see prior attainment as a ceiling on what children can do;
- All staff promote trusted and positive attitudes to ensure relationships are strong and all children feel valued and part of the school community;
- All children will have access to a great curriculum which enriches their vocabulary and enables them to be great readers;
- All children will have access to the intervention they need to succeed;
- All children will have access to a world beyond school through visits, experiences and clubs that can support wider development;
- All children will be at school with good attendance;
- All families will feel part of the community and be able to support their children.
We were delighted that a review in May 2023 stated that -
Brackenbury is a warm and welcoming school. Much has been carefully considered in terms of pupil development, from the playground activities and roles, to the development and appreciation of art across the school. The school has worked hard to create a common language which offers a shorthand for their expectations - from their behaviour cues to the ‘Brackenbury backpack'. Staff at all levels care deeply, know the pupils well and are committed to removing any barriers that exist. Pupils are positive, respectful of one another and confident to share their views.
The current strategies are found on the links below.
January 2025 review and detailed plan for 2024-2027