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School Improvement 

At Brackenbury, we are continually striving to improve our school so that the children are happy, safe, eager to learn and achieve good outcomes academically and as citizens of their local community.  

For 2023-2024, we are focusing on these areas



Talk at the heart of the curriculum


  • Further develops the work we have been doing on
    • Cold calling
    • Habits of discussion
    • Vocabulary

And enables us to embed this into everyday practice

  • Develops children into confident speakers who can talk and/or perform in front of a range of audiences.
  • Ensures we are teaching children to talk and respond in sentences, which will support communication in speaking and writing.
  • Develops listening skills of our children.
  • Widens our curriculum so that work can be show cased through talk and debate and not only a finished product.
  • Enables children to talk about their learning.

We are focusing on oracy SO THAT our children can talk confidently about themselves, their community, events and the wider world  as it is the basis of all curriculum areas and relationships.


Building an excellent curriculum


  • Some subjects are in a very good state and we want to improve these further and have ALL subjects to the same high standard.
  • We want reading, writing and maths to remain a top priority.
  • Times tables and number facts to be embedded for all children.
  • We need to revisit our assessment criteria for English and maths so that it reflects what we need the children to know.

We will build on the work already done SO THAT all subjects enable children to be successful.


Positive mental health and well-being for all


  • Addresses increasing number of children/families who are showing anxiety and/or poor mental health.
  • Helps us to ensure children know this is something that they can use strategies for – it’s ok to feel worried about something - we will work on tools to support them.
  • Have a team to identify children who may be struggling with work/coming into school/friendship issues and work with them to develop strategies.
  • Ensure our EMHWBP’s support is well-targeted.
  • Have a clear leaderhealth and well-being.

In order for children to be successful learners, we will build systems and support SO THAT we can build resilience in our school community.


Developing confident writers


  • OFSTED area to address.
  • Build on work completed last year to support all writers, especially children with SEND.
  • Ensure the handwriting policy remains in place and handwriting is given time in the curriculum.
  • Children are working at the appropriate level for themselves so that their targets are achievable and at their level.
  • There is a clear writing pathway for children.

We want children to become confident writers SO THAT they can work independently at their level.


Belonging for all


  • Further develops the work started last year through speak up children's group.
  • Puts anti-racist work into the PSHE curriculum.
  • We want all families to feel as though their voices are heard.
  • We want to build on the success of the culture day and the legacy of the initial speak up group so children feel empowered to share their experiences and lives with us.
  • We want all families to feel as though they are able to approach the school with any concerns, issues or celebrations they wish to.

To ensure our children and families are represented and respected SO THAT they feel a strong sense of belonging in our school community.

To read our 5 year aims, click here.







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