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We are well-rounded citizens!

This document shows our whole school map for 2020-2021. This takes into account some work that was missed due to the first lockdown that began in March 2020.  Whole school PSHE map


The school has developed a policy for PSHE, including RSE, in conjunction with parents, children and staff.  For detailed information, please download the policy here or contact the office for a paper copy.  

Online Safety

At Brackenbury Primary School, Online Safety is taught regularly throughout the year, beginning in Early Years and continuing all the way up to Year Six. We follow Common Sense Media’s scheme of learning, which is recommended by The UK Safer Internet Council’s Education for a Connected World. As our PSHE curriculum prepares our children to negotiate modern life in a modern way as informed, active citizens, so our Online Safety curriculum prepares them to think critically, participate responsibly and take ownership of their digital lives.

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