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At Brackenbury Primary School, our curriculum introduces children to Computing through a variety of exciting resources and learning experiences. Children begin their Computing journey in Reception and build a wide breadth of life long skills throughout Key Stage One and Two. Children will develop these skills through engaging projects that provide opportunities for them to deepen their understanding in Computing.

We deliver the Computing national curriculum through the National Centre for Computing Education's (NCCE) curriculum. This curriculum focuses on 5 Computing strands:

  • Computing systems and networks
  • Programming
  • Creating media
  • Data handling
  • Online safety

To view our Computing policy and the NCCE curriculum map, follow the links below:

Brackenbury Computing Policy

NCCE curriculum map

Online Safety

At Brackenbury Primary School, Online Safety is taught regularly throughout the year, beginning in Early Years and continuing all the way up to Year Six. We use Project Evolve and a variety of other sources to cover the eight areas set out by The UK Safer Internet Council’s Education for a Connected World.

Click here for the Project Evolve website

Click here for A Parents Guide to Online Safety

Click here for Google’s Be internet Legends website

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