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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Additionally, please  for details of Brackenbury's Local Offer, please click here.

Below are some links that parents and carers of children with SEN may find useful or informative, together with links to local family information and local inclusion related groups.


Amaze gives information, advice and support to parents of children with special needs and disabilities in Brighton & Hove. We work to empower parents to help their children live fully socially included lives.



Family Information Service for families on a range of services including childcare, holiday activities and family support services.


BWC aims to empower women and promote independence in a safe, women-only space. Services offered include counselling, groupwork, open access drop-ins, holistic therapies, volunteer training and self-development courses.  They also provide an Ofsted registered pre-school alongside services in recognition of the importance of childcare.  BWC are committed to supporting and empowering vulnerable and disadvantaged women in the community, and welcome all women, regardless of ethnicity, sexuality, age or religion.


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